Buchcover für A Thief and a Hero

A Thief and a Hero

The true story of Johnny Ramensky, the daring saboteur who stole secret Nazi war plans


When John Ramsay dropped into the Schorfheide Forest, north east of Berlin in 1944 his mission had two parts: to locate and infiltrate Goering's Headquarters, then once inside to blow the safe and steal the Nazi war plans. As a Commando, John Ramsay was trained for the first part, but it was only as Johnny Ramensky, Scotland's most infamous career thief that he was qualified to do the latter.

A THIEF AND A HERO tells the extraordinary story of Gentle Johnny Ramensky: the son of Lithuanian immigrant parents who went on to become a household name as the foremost safe-blower in the country. His daring escapes from prison would further endear him to the public and eventually bring him to the attention of the British army. When the Second World War broke, he was hand-picked to join the Commandos and rechristened himself Ramsay.

It was there that he used his talent and bravery for King and country, parachuting behind enemy lines to crack the safes of key people in the German High Command; Rommel and Goering among them.

Thief. Commando. Saboteur. Hero. This is his story.