Buchcover für Hello Healing

Hello Healing

Good-bye Sickness & Disease


Have you ever wondered if God still heals? And if he does then how does a person receive healing? Can anyone be healed? Can everyone be healed? Can I be healed? God is not only able to heal, he is willing to heal! He is willing to heal because healing demonstrates the very nature of who God is; he is gracious, compassionate, loving and full of goodness and mercy. And there is nothing more gracious and merciful than experiencing the Lord's divine healing of sickness and diseases! This study is a chronicle of the lessons in my own personal pursuit of healing that started with, "If God still heals, then why am I still sick?" and finishes with a complete, supernatural, amazing miracle of, "I AM HEALED!" Come and learn of the promises of God and the works of Jesus that make healing still available to us today!

Autor oder AutorinTrecia Willcutt
Sprecher oder SprecherinRWG Publishing
