If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere
Hilltop is a town with rich history, and a large boarding school that used to be a palace. It is often called the degenerate hotspot. It was the school parents who were tired of their children will place them and forget they existed. From the outside, they have everything they can ever ask for but within lies untold secrets birthed from the rich history of the place.
Kara is a girl who has no real name and has a fear of making friends for fear of them dying. Her entire life has been about her running, hiding and dealing with agents. Death compasses her and anyone she dares be friends with dies. For many years she has blames herself, now she just chooses to live withdrawn life.
Climax a group of none humans who have taken to hiding on earth to escape a tyrant and have taken refuge. They stand out and this causes them to form their own group. This way they protect their secret and look after each other while they look over their shoulders awaiting the day, they are found out.
Erica is a girl from a twisted home and was placed here because her father wanted a new life with his new family. At this point of her life she just wants to be a normal teenage and longs for friends.
Daphne is a young girl who has lived in the boarding house longer than most longing to return home to her four brothers, crazy father and save her mother from the cult she is trapped in.
They have the own plans but sadly so does the land of Hilltop. It has many plans for each of them. It is relentless and determined for them to help it for it also longs to be free.
They work to set Hilltop free as their stories intertwine.
This story as many of my other stories, this story takes place in a vanishing continent. The continent lies between the continent Africa and South America. I made up this continent, as there is not scientific prove of this but it is fun to imgine it, isnt it? ;)