Mizzi Mozzi And The No-Where-To-Be-Found Pasta-Pot Piano’s Unlo-Keet Key
In a whimsical land called Mizzipotazia, Mizzi Mozzi and her friends attend a concert to hear the Parpadellie Pianisties play Old-Skool Klassi-Kool music on a magical Perkulating Pasta-Pot Piano. The music cooks delicious Straightili-Rainbow-Spaghettili, but the key to unlock the piano goes missing, threatening the concert and the tasty dish. With the help of Larissa Unaloxxa, Mizzi Mozzi convinces the Pianisties to try modern music instead, resulting in a new, delightful dish called Twizzerlating-Spiralating Foozeelli and bringing unity to the musicians.