NARCISSISTIC MOTHER: How to Survive When You Have a Narcissistic Mom
Our mother is our first love. She is our introduction to life and to ourselves. She is our lifeline to security. We initially learn about ourselves and our world through interactions with her. We naturally long for her physical and emotional sustenance, her touch, her smile, and her protection. Her empathetic reflection of our feelings, wants, and needs informs us who we are and that we have value. A narcissistic mother who cannot empathize damages her children’s healthy psychological development. Like Narcissus in the Greek myth, she sees only a reflection of herself. There is no boundary of separateness between her and her children, whom she cannot see as unique individuals worthy of love. Symptoms of narcissism that make up narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) vary in severity, but they inevitably compromise a narcissist’s ability to parent.
If you listen to this audiobook you will learn:
• Explanation of narcissistic personality disorder
• Ways how this disorder affects the relationship between you and your mother
• Make sense of your mother's behaviors
• See through your mother's manipulation strategies
• Strategies and tips to help you deal with your mother
• Strategies and tips to help you heal from narcissistic abuse
• Ways to reset your mind-set, so you can think more positively
• Information on whether your narcissistic mother can change and how to navigate her healing journey
• Strategies and tips to help you build a stronger relationship with your mother
Remember that you're not a bad daughter - you're literally defending yourself from an abuser.
This audiobook will help you. It will show you how to start your healing journey toward managing narcissism by giving you an understanding of the personality disorder, along with various tips and strategies that you can use throughout your life.