Overview This course focuses on aggressively utilizing YouTube's power to generate affiliate sales. Our objective will be to develop a functional affiliate apparatus and to make it profitable in the shortest amount of time possible. If you've been studying affiliate marketing for any length of time, you've certainly seen that YouTube is brimming with affiliate reviews for a variety of items. Some are webcam talking head videos, others are selfie videos taken on a phone while out for a walk, others are impressive semi-professional videos featuring people behind a counter or sitting on a couch with a physical product on a coffee table in front of them, and still others are basic screencast videos. And then there are the ultra-cheap ones that are made entirely of photographs and text or slideshows. Each of them concludes with the same basic message: "visit the link below to learn more." Naturally, that link is an affiliate link, and each time someone clicks it and ultimately purchases a thing (even if it is a few days later, due to cookies), the person who created that video earns a commission. That is where we desire you to be.