Independent Thinking on Teaching in Higher Education
From theory to practice
A refreshing and invigorating exploration of what really matters and what really works in higher education teaching.
Dr Erik Blair's
Independent Thinking on Teaching in Higher Education: From theory to practice is a refreshing and invigorating exploration of what really matters and what really works in higher education teaching.
This book offers an insight into an area of higher education that has become more significant of late: the art of teaching. It focuses on the actual work of teaching and gives thought-provoking and perceptive guidance on how to teach in a meaningful and engaging manner.Independent Thinking on Teaching in Higher Education doesn't bamboozle with abstract terminology. Instead, Erik guides readers through topic-driven chapters that offer practical answers supported by rationales drawn from everyday experience. Alongside the core themes, he also provides bite-sized 'nuggets of wisdom' that prompt readers to implement flexible and effective strategies as part of their daily practice.
The book offers a deeper understanding of the roles and responsibilities of those who teach in higher education, and also covers the three areas measured in the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF): teaching quality, the learning environment, and the educational and professional outcomes achieved by students. Furthermore, Erik goes beyond the lecture theatre and seminar room by including a section dedicated to teaching online - that is, how to get the best out of delivering content to students remotely via the virtual learning environment.
Ideal for those new to teaching in higher education as well as more experienced practitioners who want to continue honing their craft, Independent Thinking on Teaching in Higher Education embraces teaching and learning as a personal and human activity - and encourages educators to reflect on how the suggested approaches can be applied in their particular teaching environment.
Suitable for all educators working in higher education.