Buchcover für Jemina, The Mountain Girl

Jemina, The Mountain Girl


Jemina, The Mountain Girl - one of the stories, which entered in a collection of eleven short stories by F. Scott Fitzgerald "Tales of the Jazz Age" (1922).

In the story of "Jemina, The Mountain Girl", Jemina Tantrum is a teenage girl who lives on a mountain. She takes care of her 'pappy' and 'mappy' and basically runs the family business. Thing is, there's a feud between her family and the family who lives across the stream. A long time ago, one of Jemina's ancestors and one of the Doldrum's (the family across the stream) ancestors fought over a card game. Their families have hated each other ever since. Anyways, one day a stranger came to the Tantrum's house to attempt to buy it. Gold was found on their property and the stranger wanted to buy it...

Just a few of the themes found in "Jemina" are ignorance, nature, the power of tradition, and of course, love.
