Buchcover für Junkyard Dog Collection 2

Junkyard Dog Collection 2

Books 4-6


Novellas four, five, and six of the Junkyard Dog series now available in a new collection.


Ruby City hides secrets thousands of years old.

None worth dying for.

One worth killing for.

Major Rita King takes her newest crew member to visit the famed Ruby City where they find far more than Rita bargained for.

Book Four of the Junkyard Dog series, Ruby City once again calls on Rita King’s brains and courage in an unexpected and richly detailed world.


Sometimes even the simplest of tasks go wrong.

Important business takes space pilot Rita King and her companions to the galaxy’s Central Bank on ZetiTau.

ZetiTau: an efficient, strictly-controlled planet. Customers show up. Conduct their business. Spend a few credits. Leave. Exactly the way banking should be conducted.

Too bad not everyone follows the rules.

Double Cross takes Rita and her friends deep into the strange heart of ZetiTau banking where few have ventured before.


Spider silk. Lighter than air. Indestructible. No wonder Rita King wears spider silk skinsuits and wants them for her crew.

To get them Rita must give in to the Spider Woman’s unusual demand.

“Come to Kwaku.”

Kwaku. Home to the giant silk spiders. Never before visited by an outsider. Why the invite now?

Book Six of the Junkyard Dog series, takes Rita King and her companions into the bizarre and deadly world of spider silk.