Buchcover für Lessons for the Christian's Daily Walk

Lessons for the Christian's Daily Walk

Devotional and Practical Meditations on the Book of Ecclesiastes


Lessons for the Christian's Daily Walk - Devotional and Practical Meditations on the Book of Ecclesiastes

This is the best devotional commentary on the book of Ecclesiastes that we have ever come across! In each verse which he comments on, George Mylne first views the verse just as Solomon intended from the perspective of mere human wisdom. That is, the book of Ecclesiastes is simply God's record of the rational conclusions of the wisest and most experienced man who ever lived. In other words, Solomon seriously thought upon all of life, the world and everything in it and concluded that all are puzzling enigmas, emptiness, vanity, meaningless, purposeless, futile, hopeless, vexatious, unsatisfying, unjust, etc., etc.

Secondly, Mylne then views each verse from the Christian perspective that is, through the lens of the cross of Jesus. From this perspective, all the enigmas are solved, all the meaninglessness and futility of life is removed, and all the injustices are rectified. Only through the cross, does life become meaningful, purposeful and satisfying!
