Buchcover für THE ATLANTIS COLLECTION - 6 Books About The Mythical Lost World

THE ATLANTIS COLLECTION - 6 Books About The Mythical Lost World

Plato's Original Myth + The Lost Continent + The Antedeluvian World + New Atlantis


THE ATLANTIS COLLECTION - 6 Books About The Mythical Lost World encapsulates an enthralling exploration of the fabled sunken continent across a spectrum of literary styles—from philosophical dialogues to speculative narratives. This anthology presents a rich diversity in treatment of the Atlantis theme, linking ancient wisdom with the speculative fiction of later periods. Each piece contributes uniquely to the overarching tapestry of Atlantean lore, substantiating myths with scholarly speculation, romantic imagination, and scientific inquiry. The range and depth of the contributions make this collection a significant circumnavigation of the Atlantis theme, illuminating its enduring allure in human imagination. The revered authors and thinkers contributing to this anthology—Plato, Francis Bacon, Ignatius Donnelly, C.J. Cutcliffe Hyne, and William Scott-Elliot—bring a remarkable blend of perspectives. From Plato's foundational positioning, which rooted Atlantis in the Western psyche, to Donnelly's pseudo-scientific assertions of its historical reality, and Hyne's vivid fictionalization, these works collectively navigate through the ideas of utopia, dystopia, and the esoteric. Their diverse backgrounds and eras contribute a rich, multidimensional insight into the legend, reflecting the evolving nature of our fascination with Atlantis alongside cultural, scientific, and spiritual shifts. This anthology is a must-read for enthusiasts of mythology, history, and speculative fiction alike. It offers a unique opportunity to engage with the timeless intrigue of Atlantis through a mosaic of literary approaches. Readers will find themselves immersed in the philosophical and imaginative quests that have propelled the Atlantean myth through millennia. The Atlantis Collection does not merely recount a legend; it invites readers into a profound dialogue between past and present, fact and fiction, opening new pathways for understanding our collective fascination with the lost world.
