Buchcover für The Minimalist Home: The Ultimate Guide to Minimalist Living, Learn Why Less is Actually More and Be on Your Way to Living an Organized and Focused Life

The Minimalist Home: The Ultimate Guide to Minimalist Living, Learn Why Less is Actually More and Be on Your Way to Living an Organized and Focused Life


The Minimalist Home: The Ultimate Guide to Minimalist Living, Learn Why Less is Actually More and Be on Your Way to an Organized and Focused Life

Most of us know we own too much stuff. We can't escape the evidence of clutter all around us. You can't see the surface of tables and countertops, drawers won't close, closets are filled top to bottom, we don't even know half of what's in our attic or storage boxes in our garage! We have a hard time keeping things clean and organized because of too much stuff and sometimes, just looking at everything makes you tired already.

Studies show that the average American home contains 300,000 items. And even though American homes have tripled in size in the past 50 years, there is an increase in the number of storage facilities all over the country. In fact, 1 in 10 Americans rent off-site storage. Studies and figures are confirming our observation that we own too much stuff and this is robbing us of life.

The good news is lots of people are getting to this realization as well. This is the reason why the idea of minimalist living has been gaining popularity and momentum in recent years. More and more people are realizing how much better their lives can be when they switch to a minimalist lifestyle. This audiobook will help you take a closer look at what changing to a minimalist way of living could mean to you and how it could help you to enjoy greater peace of mind. You will have a how-to guide to switching to a minimalist lifestyle and this audiobook will also give you all the tools you need to make an informed decision about whether you could benefit from making the change.

In this audiobook, you will discover:

What is Minimalist Living?

What Kind of Freedom can Minimalist Living Bring?

The Benefits of Minimalist Living

How to Embark on a Minimalist Lifestyle

How to Take a Minimalist Approach at Work

How to Manage Minimalism in Your Personal Life

How to Balance Your Minimalist Lifestyle