Buchcover für The Plurality Principle

The Plurality Principle

How to Build and Maintain a Thriving Church Leadership Team


Building and Sustaining a Thriving Leadership Culture

Essential to every healthy church is a biblical model of leadership. In the New Testament, church leadership is built around a team of elders working together, each bringing his own unique skills and gifts to the cause of shepherding the flock God entrusted to them. However, in many churches today the principle of plurality in leadership is often misunderstood, mistakenly applied, or completely ignored.

Dave Harvey encourages church leaders to prioritize plurality for the surprising ways that it helps churches to flourish. This audiobook not only builds a compelling case for churches to adopt and maintain biblical elder pluralities guided by solid leadership but also supplies practical tools to help elders work together for transformation.

Download the free study guide.

Autor oder AutorinDave Harvey
Sprecher oder SprecherinDave Harvey