Buchcover für Who Makes a Leader, Not What

Who Makes a Leader, Not What


Do you ever feel that you are drowning in a never-ending to-do list?

Do you get a feeling of hopelessness when each task you tick off your list seems to be replaced by two new ones?

You are not alone.

I have engaged with countless leaders across the globe who feel exactly like you do. They feel trapped by the status quo with no time, energy or ability to take active steps towards a different reality.

The good news is, there is another way.

This book is about the road less travelled. It seeks to change the lens of leadership from WHAT you achieve to WHO you are. I call this internal leadership.

I share with you the insights and practical exercises that I have used with hundreds of clients to help them transform their leadership and regain balance in their lives.

I will give you the necessary tools for you to trust in yourself and unleash the internally-motivated leader within.