Buchcover für Axolotl for beginners

Axolotl for beginners

1x1 guide for species-appropriate keeping, care and feeding in the aquarium incl. interesting facts


Axolotl for beginners

1x1 guide for appropriate keeping, care and feeding in the aquarium incl. interesting facts

If you look closely at the axolotl, at first you don't know what to think of it. Is he a fish or is he a snake? Is he a reptile or is he an amphibian? On the one hand it looks cute, on the other hand it is also a bit scary. He gives the impression that he wants to resemble a monster-like tadpole. He is also a nocturnal roommate who searches for his prey in the dark. You don't really trust him to do that, because his pink branches make him look friendly.

What to expect in the book:

What are axolotls?

Lifespan and sexual maturity

Please note when purchasing?

loner or group

Socialization with other animals

Aquarium, space requirements and basic equipment

Cleaning and intervals

Diet and feeding intervals

Breeding and rearing

Common illnesses and first aid

This is all about the topic of "water monsters". You will be informed about the axolotl keeping, the axolotl breeding and the axolotl eggs. Before you get a pet, you should be clear about what awaits you in the future. With the Axolotl you have chosen a fairly easy-care pet, which does not require that much attention.

Mini profile for a better overview:

Name: Axolotl (translated: water monster)

Scientific name: Ambystoma Mexicanum

Class: Amphibians

Order: salamander

Family: cross-toothed newts

Size: 15 to 45 centimeters

Speed: Not known

Weight: 60 to 200 grams

Lifespan: 10 to 20 years

Diet: worms, fish and crabs

Enemies: Birds and Fish

Habitat: Mexico

Features feather-like gills

Autor oder AutorinThorsten Hawk
