Buchcover für Playing with Math 9

Playing with Math 9

The Multiplicative World within 100


PLAYING WITH MATH it’s an educational path of math created by Fausto Presutti. Its efficacy has been proved by hundreds teachers in primary and secondary school. The educational path is composed by 19 books with different didactic path of mathematic, full of game-exercise that allow children to develop psycho-cognitive abilities and mathematic knowledge.

Playing with Math 9 - THE MULTIPLICATIVE WORLD WITHIN 100 is based on 46 game-exercise cards. The formative path of this book is structured with these conceptual areas:

Pp. 4-8 Additive mutiplication and multiplicative group with operations of addition and multiplication

Pp. 9-12 Acquisition of the calculation with the multiplication

P. 13-22 Times Tables 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Understanding the numerical ratio multiplicative

Pp. 23-24 From the multiplicative group to the in-line multiplication

Pp. 25-33 Division of continence, subtraction and distribution by 50

Pp. 34-37 Multiplication and division.

Pp. 38-40 Checking the conceptual understanding of the four operations

Pp. 41- 42 Half / Double comparison with the calculation of multiplication and division

Pp. 43- 48 Tables with mathematical calculation of comparison between multiplication and division

Pp. 49 Table of the multiplication with 10 rows (1 to 10) and 10 columns (1 to 10).

The Series’s theorethical model and formative path are visible on this website: http://didactics.ispef.eu/psychodidactic.htm

