Buchcover für The Haunting of Shaft 3: A Timeless Affair, Book Two (SciFi Dragon Alien Romance)

The Haunting of Shaft 3: A Timeless Affair, Book Two (SciFi Dragon Alien Romance)


Allie is in on her first full adventure with Drifter, and her romantic interest believes in the jump-in-with-both-feet learning method. They find themselves on course for a red planet, but there are white spooks afoot that greet them on their arrival.

They make a quick landing and find that the mystery revolves around an old mine where an abandoned shaft was recently reopened. The spooks were set free, and it’s up to them to find out why they’re there and how to free them. Along the way they meet new friends and new enemies, and Allie finds herself learning more about her mysterious companion’s past.

But as they venture deeper into the mystery she begins to understand that maybe knowing someone’s past may not be as important as knowing their present. The man she cares for can’t change past events, but she learns that maybe she can change the lonely life he’s set for himself. Maybe Allie really can change time.