Buchcover für The LORD's King

The LORD's King

His Eternal Eminence said of him; He is a man after my own heart. Let’s find out why!


It’s intriguing to note that God had adjudged a young man as the delight of His heart – long before he came on the scene.

Who’s this young and rudy shepherd boy that appeased the LORD’s fancy?

What stuff is he made of?

After the unfortunate fiasco with Saul, the Almighty had taken His time to search out a replacement who wouldn’t repeat the ugly episode.

Young David was selected for this huge role.

But what did His Majesty see in this boy?

What could we imbibe from the life of David, that could score us points with HE, who sits enthroned amidst the Cherubims?

Let’s peruse the Scriptures to find out.

The LORD’s King.