Buchcover für The Motley Fool's Rule Makers, Rule Breakers

The Motley Fool's Rule Makers, Rule Breakers

The Foolish Guide to Picking Stocks


Online and off, David and Tom Gardner have demonstrated that Fools and their money are not soon parted. They have taught millions how to get started investing Foolishly, coming at you through their Web site (www.fool.com), their syndicated newspaper column, and their national radio show.

The Motley Fool's Rule Breakers, Rule Makers contains two wholly original investment approaches. David's approach, investing in Rule Breakers, focuses on upstart businesses that take their industries by storm, breaking all the conventions of their industries and changing the rules of the game. Recent Rule-Breaking examples are companies such as America Online or Starbucks. David lays out the attributes that all Rule Breakers share as he helps investors prepare to harpoon the next big fish.

Tom's section lays out the principles shared by all Rule Makers, stocks that offer the opportunity to reap royal returns over long periods of time. Historically, Rule Makers such as Coca-Cola, General Electric, Microsoft, Intel, and the Gap have whomped on the stock market averages for years and years. Tom puts his mouth where his money is, guiding you toward finding and understanding Rule Makers.

Thus, this latest Motley Fool audiobook is a stockpicking guide that teaches you how to locate the best investments available in today's public markets: the Rule Breakers and the Rule Makers. You can make a lot of money investing in either, but those who buy Rule Breakers and hold them all the way through Rule Maker status will make the most money of all. This audiobook is practical, rewarding, very funny, and, above all, revolutionary.