Arabic for Beginners
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Learn basic Arabic skills that will enable you to go through daily life, navigate a variety of situations, and have meaningful conversations with speakers of Arabic.
Learn the alphabet and the sounds of Arabic. You’ll gain a comprehensive understanding of the basics, including word and sentence formation, and how to use and form pronouns, verb patterns and tenses, adjectives, and plurals.
You’ll learn how to ask questions, make (and decline) requests politely, use common greetings, start a conversation, and introduce yourself. You’ll also learn essentials such as using numbers, telling the time, and setting dates.
This audiobook:
Provides simple explanations, useful examples and effective activities
Aids you in becoming capable of having a basic conversation in Arabic
Sets the foundation for advanced study
Arabic for Beginners has been created for those who have had little or no interaction with the language. You’ll be introduced to the language from the ground up and work your way to being able to understand Arabic and feel comfortable having a simple conversation with native Arabic speakers, using structurally correct sentences.
If you’ve had some experience with Arabic but lack confidence, this audiobook will solidify your knowledge and lay the foundations from which you can build upon with advanced study - further enriching your vocabulary with more Arabic words and phrases and learning advanced grammatical rules.