Portada de libro para Blockchain for Kids, Teens, Adults, and Dummies

Blockchain for Kids, Teens, Adults, and Dummies

Introduction to Crypto Investing and Blockchain Technology in Simple Words

Descripción del libro

Are you tired of trying to learn about Blockchain, about Bitcoin, and about cryptocurrency through books and websites filled with jargon, technicalities leaving your head spinning?

Do you wish you had a guide that can lead you to understand both how crypto works and allow you to start focusing on trading?

When I first started learning about Bitcoin, crypto, and blockchain, it was a painful process. Waddling through the murky waters of financial terminology and explanations. Even the explanations for dummies were all too technical. But this is where I am here to help!

Have no experience of trading before?

Have no understanding of crypto but want to start learning more?

Don’t have a lot of experience in finances?

I’ve got you! Welcome to a safe space, where you can learn about Cryptocurrency, no matter what your age, your experience, and level of trader you are, with a step by step guide on all the necessary information you need to know as well as impress your friends with the knowledge you suddenly possess. Finances should not have to be complicated, and neither should crypto.

So don’t wait another minute longer, and learn all that you need today!