Portada de libro para The Connecticut Corpse Caper

The Connecticut Corpse Caper

Descripción del libro

A week-long stay in a creepy Connecticut mansion is replete with hidden passageways, disappearing corpses, and quirky inheritance recipients. And if that’s not enough to make for hair-raising moments on the secluded, storm-bound estate, how about a ghost named Fred?

The stipulation in the will of Jill-Jocasta Fonne’s aunt reads: if a guest leaves early, his or her share will be divided among those remaining. The first one to leave - permanently - dies just hours after arriving.

Soon, people start dropping like flies. Donning amateur sleuth caps, Jill and her associates, Rey and Linda, attempt to solve the mystifying murders. Others jump in, and the bumbling and stumbling - and mayhem - begin.