Kirjankansi teokselle 20 Ways that You Can Bring a Positive Message To the World

20 Ways that You Can Bring a Positive Message To the World

Tietoa kirjasta

The world we live in gets better and better with the implementation of new ideas. Every year there are new devices to take up our time and new improvements to our current devices. The time has come, I feel, for an update on how the average Christian impacts their world with their life. I feel that many Christians could be doing a lot more when it comes to spreading a positive light to the world, and that is why the Holy Spirit had me write this book.

Take the time to read this short book, meditate on the short chapters and make a positive decision to increase the positive impact that you are having on this world. Each of the chapters holds a new key to positively reaching your world, and I would be encouraged as a writer if you chose one or two of them to do while going forward with your life.
