Kirjankansi teokselle Aratra Pentelici, Seven Lectures on the Elements of Sculpture

Aratra Pentelici, Seven Lectures on the Elements of Sculpture

Tietoa kirjasta

Porch of San Zenone, Verona

The Arethusa of Syracuse

The Warning to the Kings, San Zenone, Verona

The Nativity of Athena

Tomb of the Doges Jacopo and Lorenzo Tiepolo

Archaic Athena of Athens and Corinth

Archaic, Central and Declining Art of Greece

The Apollo of Syracuse, and the Self-made Man

Apollo Chrysocomes of Clazomenæ

Marble Masonry in the Duomo of Verona

The First Elements of Sculpture. Incised outline and opened space

Branch of Phillyrea

Greek Flat relief, and sculpture by edged incision

Apollo and the Python. Heracles and the Nemean Lion

Hera of Argos. Zeus of Syracuse

Demeter of Messene. Hera of Cnossus

Athena of Thurium. Siren Ligeia of Terina

Artemis of Syracuse. Hera of Lacinian Cape

Zeus of Messene. Ajax of Opus

Greek and Barbarian Sculpture

The Beginnings of Chivalry

Kirjailija.John Ruskin
