Kirjankansi teokselle Great Men and Women in the History of Medicine

Great Men and Women in the History of Medicine

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Illness, disease and injury prompted the development of medicine from the earliest days of mankind: useful herbs, methods for treating wounds and even setting bones were passed down the generations by word of mouth. With the growth of civilization came more scientific methods, generally discovered by significant individuals. This informative and entertaining audiobook presents the major figures in the history of medicine, from Hippocrates in Ancient Greece to the Roman doctor Galen, the medieval abbess Hildegard of Bingen and the Arabs Ibn Sina and Al-Razi. They are succeeded by Andreas Vesalius and his anatomical investigations during the Renaissance, and subsequently by William Harvey (the circulation of the blood), Edward Jenner (inoculation), before the discovery of penicillin and DNA. This is one of the most fascinating stories in human history and, as this audiobook shows, one of the most varied – and exciting!
