Kirjankansi teokselle Hearts Persuaded

Hearts Persuaded

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Levi's gut wrenches at what he'd just gone and done - taken Comfort for his wife and not Willa. Willa Mae Tyler was out there somewhere now, masquerading as a Confederate soldier, fighting, facing death every day. That he couldn't stop her from going is eating him up inside. Desperate for her secret and best friend Surry's counsel, Willa prays for the safety of her unborn child, Levi Clement's child. She prays she's doing the right thing by exacting revenge on the Yankees for killing her brothers. She hadn't cared about dying until now, loving her unborn child as much as its father. On the run north, escaped slave Surry Lion doesn't think her life could turn more upside down, but when she meets her next guide along the Underground Railroad, Lucas Minor, it surely does. He not only takes her breath away, he's free. She can't imagine it.