Life Without Stress
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Life Without Stress: The Ultimate Guide on How to Handle, Manage, and Eliminate Stress in Your Life
Before we dive right in, let’s first look at what stress actually is, who it affects, and how widespread it is.
Biologically, stress is actually a healthy and normal response to any ‘stressor’ (defined as a trigger that causes stress, so that’s a bit of a circular explanation). The purpose of stress is to prime our body for action in the face of a physical threat. In other words, this is a kind of ‘action mode’ that our body kicks into and in the wild stressors would have been things like predators, fires, or aggressive members of our own species.
What happens to us physically then is that our sympathetic nervous system kicks in and triggers the pituitary glands to release a number of hormones and neurotransmitters such as adrenaline, norepinephrine, dopamine, and cortisol. These chemicals in turn trigger our bodies to direct blood away from less immediately necessary functions (such as our immune system and our digestive system) and to our brains and muscles. Meanwhile, they increase focus, and awareness and bring on feelings of anxiety and danger.
In this audiobook, you will learn The Ultimate Guide on How to Handle, Manage, and Eliminate Stress in Your Life! So what are you waiting for, download a copy of Life Without Stress today!