Kirjankansi teokselle The Best of Katherine Mansfield

The Best of Katherine Mansfield

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“But we can’t possibly have a garden-party with a man dead just outside the front gate.”— “The Garden-Party” by Katherine Mansfield

Skyboat Media presents The Best of Katherine Mansfield, an original compilation of stories from one of the defining writers of modernist fiction. Katherine Mansfield’s stories shine a light on the duality and the overpowering nature of psychology through her delicate, nuanced, and often stream-of-consciousness narration style. None of her stories seem to settle on just one theme; like life they encompass the intersectional nature of all moments, from the most minute and mundane to the most terrific and tragic.

This compilation also includes all the stories she wrote featuring the Burnell family, including little Kezia who is a stand-in for the author herself. “Prelude,” “The Little Girl,” “The Doll’s House,” and “At the Bay” follow the family through the everyday moments that quickly add up to the biggest revelations and devastations that shape a human soul.

Full Contents:

The Second Self: Introduction by Alison Belle Bews


“Mr. and Mrs. Dove”

“Miss Brill”

“The Garden-Party”

“Feuille d’Album”


“The Little Girl”

“A Married Man’s Story”

“Her First Ball”

“A Cup of Tea”

“Mr. Reginald Peacock’s Day”

“The Doll’s House”

“A Dill Pickle”

“The Fly”


“Je ne parles pas français”

“At the Bay”