Kirjankansi teokselle The Twilight of the Idols

The Twilight of the Idols

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In this book, Nietzsche examines and critiques many of the prominent ideas and figures of his time, including morality, religion, and philosophy itself. Nietzsche argues that traditional moral concepts, such as good and evil, are based on outdated and irrational beliefs that hinder the individual's pursuit of a fulfilling life. He also criticizes Christianity and its values, claiming that they are hostile to life and undermine individual freedom. Furthermore, Nietzsche criticizes the philosophical traditions of the past, including Platonism and Kantianism, for their limitations and inability to provide a meaningful framework for life. Instead, Nietzsche proposes a new philosophy, which he calls "the philosophy of the future," that embraces life's complexity and encourages the individual to create their own values. Read in English, unabridged.