Kirjankansi teokselle The Word of the Buddha - 12

The Word of the Buddha - 12

Anguttara Nikaya - 3

Tietoa kirjasta

The sixth book of the Aṅguttara Nikāya, the Collection of the Numbered Discourses of the Buddha, collects 649 suttas or discourses whose subject matter is almost always centered on groups of six topics. And I say almost always, because there are not many topics in the texts of six elements, so many are forced as in the case of chapter 11 called triads because they are just that, triads. And well, since three plus three is six... two triads are put in and we have, supposedly, a sextet ready to be included in the Book of Sixes. But we will also see that six is made by adding one to five, or two to a group of four... In AN 6.29 he talks all the time about five things and ends up adding another one to complete the six. Although this book also contains suttas to be read, except for the final matikas contained in the last chapters, its content remains uninteresting. It is becoming increasingly clear that the Anguttara Nikaya bases its popularity on its traditionally terrible translations that force the reader to go about inventing extrapolations to help him skip abstruse paragraphs, providing that undefined mysterious halo of the abstract. In the section of anecdotal suttas, we have AN 6.42 with Nāgita. In it the Buddha rants against fame and its drawbacks, such as the difficulty of being able to shit or pee in peace, with five hundred followers who do not stop following you wherever you go. The seventh book of the Aṅguttara Nikāya, the Collection of the Numbered Discourses of the Buddha, collects 1124 suttas or discourses whose subject matter is centered on groups of seven topics. This book contains suttas to be read, long suttas with expositions, some of them interesting. This book is devoid of false suttas.
