Journey through the dark, winding tributaries of love in this unforgettable live stage show, written and performed by Joe Arden. A unique perspective on the roots of love explored through original reflections and lyrical passages from literature, this sold-out Baltimore event captivates with raw energy and emotional depth. Experience the haunting beauty of Frankenstein and Edgar Allan Poe alongside contemporary romance, culminating in a never-before-published short story by Joe himself.
A fusion of passion, madness, and artistry, this one-of-a-kind audio event is a must listen for literature lovers and hopeless romantics alike.
Recorded live on November 2, 2024 in Baltimore, Maryland.
This performance includes a guest appearance by Amanda Willow and the written works of: Edgar Allan Poe, Mary Shelley, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Evelyn Montgomery, Riley Edwards, Ariel Anderson, and Joe Arden.