Defeat Anxiety
Description of book
Defeat Anxiety: The Essential Guide to Cease the Feeling of Anxiety, Learn Proven Methods and Strategies on How to Overcome and Reduce a Stressful Living.
One in every eight Americans between the age of 18 and 54 suffers from an anxiety disorder. This totals over 19 million people! Research conducted by the National Institute of Mental Health has shown that anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness, surpassing even depression.
Society as a whole is more stressed. Millions of people are in record levels of debt. Many are losing their jobs, their homes, their health and sometimes even their sanity. Worry, depression and anxiety seem to have become a way of life.
Even children can feel the pressure of stress and anxiety. Teenagers who want to go to college feel pressure to obtain scholarships. They need part-time jobs to earn money for extras that their parents can no longer afford. Add peer pressure into the mix and you have a veritable pressure cooker!
Stress is more dangerous than originally thought. You probably already know that it can raise your blood pressure, increasing the likelihood of a stroke. But recently it’s been claimed that 90 percent of visits to a primary care physician were because of stress-related disorders.
Stress and anxiety go hand in hand. One of the major symptoms of stress is anxiety. And stress accounts for 80 percent of all illnesses either directly or indirectly.
This audiobook teaches you how to cease anxiety! Download your copy today and start living a stress free life!