Copertina del libro per Digital Detox

Digital Detox

Finding Balance in a Hyperconnected World

Descrizione del libro

In "Digital Detox: Finding Balance in a Hyperconnected World," author B. Vincent delves into the heart of the digital age's impact on humanity. With the internet now linking over half the global population, its influence is pervasive, altering lifestyles and reshaping relationships with the world, others, and ourselves. Yet, amidst the convenience and connectivity, lies a dark underbelly: addiction, obsession, and a loss of meaning. In this insightful exploration, B. Vincent navigates the terrain of digital drugs and their adverse effects, offering a comprehensive overview of detox methods and strategies. From societal implications to personal well-being, each chapter peels back the layers of our hyperconnected existence, culminating in B. Vincent's own perspective on the path forward. "Digital Detox" is a timely call to action, inviting readers to reclaim control over their digital lives and rediscover the balance that has been lost in the relentless march of progress.

Autore.B. Vincent