Copertina del libro per No middle ground!

No middle ground!

You are either for us, or against us.

Descrizione del libro

‘Thy will be done on Earth, as it is in Heaven.’

Jesus, whilst teaching us how to pray, subtly revealed the Father’s desire to have His ‘will’ prevail on our terrestrial plane, as is the status quo in the celestial realms.

Christ also – in the prayer, hinted that we should align ourselves to this Heavenly objective; as this is embedded in our prayer – to God.

As it says:

“After this manner therefore pray ye;

Our Father, who art in Heaven,

Hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come.

Thy will be done on Earth, as it is in Heaven”

(Matthew 6:9-10)

After the important step of starting our prayers with praises and thanksgiving to God; the next on our agenda, should be to show our solidarity to this divine course. That His ‘will’ – must of necessity, prevail on Earth.

In this, is our allegiance to Him confirmed.

As much as we might try to play ignorance, one fact remains absolutely clear:

Anyone born into this World, automatically gets thrown into an ongoing battle between good and evil.

And to this War, there is no parley!

Our very actions or inactions, take sides with one of these two opposing powers.

Since the days of Joshua, God has read the riot act to all men;

“Choose you this day, whom you will serve!”

(Joshua 24:15)

All who choose God’s Son, Jesus, choose life.

Those who rebel against Him however, have aligned themselves with those condemned to the lake of fire.

Whether you know it or not – currently, by your way of life, actions, beliefs, acceptance or rejection of the Christ; you have aligned yourself with a side.

For there is NO MIDDLE GROUND!