Book cover for Lost


Description of book

Lost is a page-turner, even when it’s as crude as the war it depicts.

Young Alessandra is fleeing from an impossible love.

At the end of July 2014, she is seriously wounded during an air raid on the Médecins Bénévoles field hospital in Aleppo, resulting in a complete memory loss.

A few years pass, during which she survives thanks to the valor and friendship of the many courageous people that cross her path, and she is eventually able to get back to Europe.

Different Scenarios

Once in Paris, she tries to create a new life for herself: everything’s changed, after all, including her.

A casual meeting with Andrea, though, brings her to the realization that their love remains unaltered, just like the situation that pushed her to leave in the first place; if anything, it’s become more complicated. In fact, as she was stranded in the midst of the Syrian war, Andrea, thinking her dead, gave in and married her twin sister.
