Book cover for Speed-hypnosis for the increasing of concentration

Speed-hypnosis for the increasing of concentration

Description of book

Speed-hypnoses are short, but extremely efficient hypnosis-downloads; their effect is felt immediately. Speed-hypnoses are excellent for a fast use "in-between". You won't need a large amount of time for the application; nevertheless you will feel well immediately and sense the impact of the hypnosis. In the "Speed-hypnosis for increasing of concentration", you are going to be led softly and powerfully into the wonderful state of hypnosis. In this state of trance, your subconscious mind gets instructed to increase your concentration significantly. You will be able to memorize sensory impressions permanently and also to retrieve it totally easily when required. Concentrate totally easily on what you are doing at this very moment and be able to retrieve the required knowledge in the same easy way from now on!

Please never apply this hypnosis during driving a car or other activities that require mental alertness. Furthermore, the use is not appropriate if one is suffering from a severe mental disorder, cardio-vascular diseases, very low blood pressure or a seizure disorder like asthma or epilepsy. In case of doubt, please contact your doctor or therapist.