Book cover for Daphnis and Chloe

Daphnis and Chloe

The 1896 Athenian Society Translation

Description of book

Longus' 'Daphnis and Chloe' is a beautiful and timeless Greek novel that tells the story of two young lovers, Daphnis and Chloe, who grow up together in a pastoral setting. The book is a prime example of ancient Greek literature, showcasing themes of love, innocence, and the beauty of the countryside. Longus' writing style is poetic and lyrical, painting vivid pictures of the natural world and the emotions of the characters. The novel is considered one of the earliest examples of the pastoral genre, influencing later works in literature. With its descriptive language and heartfelt storytelling, 'Daphnis and Chloe' is a classic work that continues to captivate readers of all ages.


