Book cover for I Am Asteya

I Am Asteya

Cultivating Asteya in Everyday Life

Description of book

I AM Asteya, Cultivating Asteya in Everyday Life is an audio about the 3rd Yama of Patanjali´s Yoga Sutras. Asteya means non-stealing, honesty in all areas of live, even in thoughts. In Patanjali's Yoga Sutra (2.37) it says: One who does not steal, and has no thoughts of stealing from others, experiences prosperity and good fortune. In this Audio we explain Asteya and like to share a guided (ca. 6 Min.) Meditation "Imagine – I am Asteya" Sources: "Seven Lessons in Conscious Living" "The Science of Self-Realization (Patanjali´s Yoga-Sutras)" "How to use Your Creative Imagination" by Roy Eugene Davis © 2020 – Walter Berger,