Cyrano de Bergerac" premiered in Paris with resounding success. The play, freely inspired by the life and work of the libertine writer Savinien de Cyrano de Bergerac (1619-1655), became one of the most popular works in French theater and the most famous work of its author,
Edmond Rostand. It has also been adapted into numerous and award-winning film versions. Theater critics say that the success of "Cyrano de Bergerac" is mainly due to its conversion into a popular symbol, embodying the ideal of the people by presenting a man who despises the powerful, is courageous, noble in sentiment, sensitive, and capable of sacrificing himself for others' happiness. The undeniable fact is that "Cyrano," in its multiple versions, has captivated millions of people worldwide. It is a timeless work that undoubtedly deserves to be seen and read.