Angel Healing Therapy
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What You'll Learn from the Angel Healing Therapy Course
The Angel Healing Therapy Course has been created to guide beginners and those already working in spiritually-based careers step-by-step through asking for and accepting help from angels.
Whether you are taking the course to aid your own spiritual path or to help others do the same, the course will teach you about the angels themselves as well as how to go about contacting them, the ways in which Angel Healing Therapy works with other therapies, and how to start a business in this area.
Students will learn about the history of angels, as well as the different types of angels, and their hierarchy. You will also learn how to connect with angels and discover how to open yourself up to them, how to invoke angel protection, the types of angels you can all upon and what they are responsible for, and how to connect with your guardian angel.
The work of angels can be difficult for us to understand, as they help in ways we that we are not aware of. You will work on your faith and fears ensuring you can work with angels in the most positive and productive way possible. You will also learn about the shielding power of angels and how this can benefit you.
This Angel Healing Therapy Diploma Course covers the 6 spiritual gifts and how you can go about uncovering any of these that you may have, as well as how to honour this and increase and improve any clairvoyant abilities you may have. The module also talks briefly about mediumship and how this can manifest itself.
You will learn about the unique indigo, crystal and rainbow children, explaining who they are and how they differ. Looking in more detail at mediumship, combining card readings with angel readings and the use of oracle cards and angel card decks are illustrated along with how numerology relates to angels.
Students will learn the signs that angels are near and affecting your life. Signs can include coincidences and synchronous events, among other, specific signs. Looking in more detail at the 7 primary archangels, before introducing the other archangels and what their roles and responsibilities are and how angels may go about helping you.
Working with angels doesn’t just help you with day-to-day and life events, but helps with continuing your own spiritual growth. We offer students the knowledge of how they can go about creating their own Angel Healing Therapy business, explaining good practices for health, safety and hygiene in the workroom, along with the ethics and insurance needed, as well as how you should present yourself in your practice.
If you wish to become an Angel Therapist, it is likely because you want others to feel the same benefits that you do, but you also need to treat it as a business, so that you can continue to do so.