Experience the enchanting fairy tale of Snow-White and Rose-Red, a timeless classic by the Brothers Grimm. First published in 1812, this delightful story follows two kind-hearted sisters, Snow-White and Rose-Red, who live a simple life with their mother in a cozy cottage surrounded by nature. Their lives take a magical turn when they befriend a bear seeking refuge from the cold and encounter a wicked, ungrateful dwarf whose actions lead to unexpected twists.
Rich with themes of kindness, bravery, and sisterly love, this fairy tale weaves a spellbinding narrative of adventure and transformation. Featuring charming forest creatures, mystical encounters, and a captivating ending, Snow-White and Rose-Red is a heartwarming tale perfect for readers of all ages.
This digital edition preserves the original text, offering an accessible way for modern readers to enjoy one of the Brothers Grimm's most beloved stories.