Okładka książki dla Without self-knowledge there cannot be complete action

Without self-knowledge there cannot be complete action

Ojai 1949 - Public Talk 10

Opis książki

"10. Without self-knowledge there cannot be complete action - 14 August 1949

• Can we act without ideation?

• Immortality is not an idea. It is something beyond ideation, thought and the

bundle of memory which is all the 'me'.

• Love is not a thought process.

• Q: What place has criticism in relationship?

• Q: When you speak of timelessness, it seems you must mean something besides

a sequence of events. Do you perhaps mean that by knowing what part of you is eternal, then time no longer becomes a means to an end, or a means to progress?

• Q: Is there a gulf, an interval of any duration, between my perceiving something, and being or realizing it?

• Q: You often speak of living, experiencing, and yet being as nothing. What is this state of being as nothing consciously?"