Book cover for Motor Matt's Triumph - Three Speeds Forward

Motor Matt's Triumph - Three Speeds Forward

Description of book


Characters that appear in this story:

Matt King: concerning whom there has always been a mystery—a lad of splendid athletic abilities, and never-failing nerve, who has won for himself, among the boys of the Western town, the popular name of "Mile-a-minute Matt."

Chub McReady: sometimes called plain "Reddy," for short, on account of his fiery "thatch" a chum of Matt, with a streak of genius for inventing things that often lands the bold experimenter in trouble.

Carl Pretzel: a cheerful and rollicking German lad, who is led by a fortunate accident to hook up with Motor Matt in double harness.

Colonel Plympton: secretary of the Stark-Frisbie Motor Company.

Uncle Tom: an old darky who was once a member of a traveling dramatic company, but who is now, by self-appointment, Motor Matt's "'fishul mascot."

Mr. Trueman: of the Jarret Company, who gives Matt car No. 13 in the race.

Slocum:an unprincipled schemer, who plays a deep game.

Sercomb, Mings, Higgins, Grier, Finn, Martin: six members of the Motor Drivers Association, some of whom prove themselves ready to go to any length to keep Motor Matt out of the great race for the Borden Cup.
