9 Steps to Accessing the Unseen Realm
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The ability to see and experience the unseen realm should come easily to people. For me, accessing what was hidden was easy, yet from the testimony of my two friends who teach people how to develop spiritual sight, it was anything but a simple endeavor for them to embark on and see success.
When you read of the struggle and the many hours my friends had to spend in practice to have their spiritual eyes opened, the gift of spiritual sight becomes precious and should be revered by those who possess it.
This book brings to you a path that many thousands have trod, the one that had success for many, and yet also an easier option that takes less fuss and effort but does not come without you doing some careful work in preparation.
It comes down to this. How valuable will it be to you to have authentic spiritual encounters in the hidden, unseen realm? How much effort will you put in to step forward and have your chance at greatness and develop the intimacy with God that comes from being a participator in the game rather than just a spectator?
The spiritual discipline that will take you behind the curtains to explore the unseen realm for yourself is much but won't the hours of regularly meeting Jesus face to face and the wonders of heaven and all that entails be worth it for you in the end?
This book contains a course of discovery and a journey into knowledge that, if accessed and applied, will bring you access to everything you desire in the unseen realm.