Make Products That Will Sell
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If you've been considering starting an internet business for some time, you've definitely come across several potential business models. Affiliate marketing is probably the most popular. You've been taught to use lead magnets and free gifts to grow your email list. Place those lead magnets on a squeeze page and direct traffic there, correct? To be honest, if you've tried it, you've already learned that it's not that effective. After spending time and/or money directing traffic to that page, you'll typically realize that the majority of individuals aren't providing you with their best email address. Indeed, approximately one-third of them will send you a bogus email. And of those that do give you a genuine one, it is typically one they reserve for "junk," as they refer to your advertising material. This indicates that it is an address they do not often check, making it about as valuable as a bogus one. And keep in mind that they are referred to as freebie hunters for a reason! They do not truly purchase items. Typically, at this stage, a struggling internet marketer realizes his or her marketing emails are receiving an open rate of approximately 4% or 5% and producing no sales, and that all their effort in establishing a lead magnet and landing page, as well as driving traffic, was a complete waste. As a result, people abandon instant messaging and conclude that it is all a big fraud. It is a sad story, yet this occurs on a daily basis and is the final demise of around 95% of would-be online merchants. Therefore, what are the remaining 5% doing differently? Easy. They are developing and selling their own items. You see, when you make and sell your own product, you're building a different type of list. A purchasers' list. Unlike freebie seekers, who never purchase anything and therefore rarely provide their true contact information, buyers actually purchase items (weird, right?). These are individuals who are serious about online marketing and often use their credit cards to make purchases. And, because the email addresses you collect are derived from their transaction information, you're finally receiving real email addresses that people check! Additionally to list building, selling your own things has another advantage. You have complete control over your profit. You are not required to share sales proceeds with anyone (although you absolutely might if affiliates assist with a product launch). Thus, you may either keep 100% of the profit or choose how much to share with affiliates. In either case, you maintain control.