Book cover for Blood Talisman

Blood Talisman

Description of book

A thousands years old artefact is said to possess the power to reverse time and immortality—but is the price of that power to high to pay?

Several months after Dakar's demon army was defeated and Dakar killed in the conflict, Andrew Berés is still haunted by the memory of Dakar telling him there is a talisman that would reverse his immortality and allow him to live a normal life with his lover, firefighter Tommy Cordain. Despite Master Vampire Marcus Verano's doubt that the Talisman of Ardocan actually exists, Andrew is determined to find the truth of it once and for all.

His obsession leads him, Tommy, and their vampire friends on a journey to the ancient ruins of Babylon and to the remains of an underground city—the City of Ardocan—where legend has it, the Talisman is buried, its secrets hidden from eyes and minds for thousands of years.

But danger from enemies and traitors, both human and demonic, is never far away in the war ravaged country of Iraq, and Andrew may find out that the price he has to pay in order to obtain the Talisman, is greater than he had ever dreamt.
