Napoleon's Marshalls
New Introduction by Cole Bolchoz
Description of the book
If you are reading this or listening to this in audio form, you are very curious about various themes of history.
To be sure, there are numerous books or reprints relating to this original book.
It would be misleading to the reader, if the author attempts to snag you with unrevealed details
of any of the late Marshall’s of the Emperor Napoleon. Truth be told, I come to this topic
on the intermediate side of being able to discuss some of these figures during a cup of coffee,
a pint at the pub, or tea.
Some questions I would like to attempt to address here;
One, why are some of us still fascinated with Marshall’s of Napoleon over 206 years later?
I feel for myself, it is in finding out more about the men behind the Emperor’s successes
and about the Emperor’s true temperament in both victory and defeat. History as it travels
through time remains moveable and worth debate.
As a former Professor at Columbia College of Missouri, my students and I did discuss
Napoleon’s defeat at Waterloo and examined one video of Napoleon’s Total War game
as well. We live in a digital quick immediate age. A Marshall’s life in the late 19th Century
entailed more mental firing of their synapses than of today. In other words, there entailed
more logical, logistical, and communicational efforts which we take for granted to do.
Prior to reading this book, I did not know most Marshall’s under Napoleon often issued
as many as 8 different sets of orders at a time before and during battles.
If you are a student of history, or a person who seeks to see what made the Corsican
Emperor tick, then the research provided by the late original author R. P. DUNN-PATTISON
will not disappoint. Since it’s publication in 1909, it remans one of the most solid
and insightful glimpses into a time where reputations and honor were paramount
in importance, especially for Marshall’s. Napoleon named 24, and six of those
are included in this edition.