Book cover for Playing with Numbers 2

Playing with Numbers 2

The Numerical World up to 10

Description of the book

PLAYING WITH NUMBERS is a teaching tool of exercises-game that allows you to:

1) develop the math skills of children of 5-6 years;

2) provide opportunities for teachers to implement educational continuity between Infancy School and Primary School, comparing and verifying the capabilities of the number and the conceptualization of the World numeric;

3) evaluate the math skills of children and young people in difficulty cognitive and / or learning mathematics.

The objectives of Playing with Numbers 2 are:

Pp. 4-5 Stimulation to mathematical creativity

Pp. 6 -17 Development of mathematical reasoning with procedures of numerical count

Pp. 18-21 Reading and writing of numbers from 0 to 10 - Number as the unit

Pp. 22-32 Acquisition of the concept of "number" by correspondence between grouping of quantity (cardinal number) and numerical sequence (ordinal number)

Pp. 33-36 Verification of numerical count by spatial movement and numerical sequence up to 10 - Acquisition of numbers as unit of measure using the numerical order

Pp. 37-40 Comparison of the perceptual variability (visual pattern) and mathematical variability (numerical scheme) - Correspondence between the geometric formation and the calculation of unit

Pp. 41-46 Introduction to additive operations by the use of the calculation of the amount and numerical comparison