Book cover for Simplicity comes into being when there is freedom from the desire to achieve

Simplicity comes into being when there is freedom from the desire to achieve

Ojai 1949 - Public Talk 13

Description of the book

"implicity comes into being when there is freedom from the desire to achieve - 27 August 1949 • One who is sincere can never be simple because he who is trying to be sincere always has the desire to pattern or approximate himself to an idea. • Self-knowledgecanbediscoveredmorefully,deeply,widely,onlywhenthereis passive awareness, which is not the exertion of will. • In the search for self-knowledge we get caught in self-consciousness. Being caught we make the thing in which one is caught the most important thing. • To go beyond self-consciousness there must be freedom from the desire to achieve a result, because the achievement of a result is what the mind wants. • Q: Would you please explain what you mean by dying daily? • Q: How does a truth when repeated become a lie? What really is a lie? • Q: I think I can help, but whatever I say or do to another is interpreted as interference and as domineering. Why does this happen to me? • Q: What is aloneness? Is it a mystical state?"
