Buchcover für Marie Laveau

Marie Laveau


Marie Laveau: Life of a Voodoo Queen introduces you to the legendary Marie Laveau, affectionately known as the Voodoo Queen or the Pope of Voodoo of New Orleans.

Her life and work cemented her place in history beginning in the mid-1800s. She just may be the most influential practitioner of the magical arts.

This book details her remarkable life and legacy and shares how she came to be known as the reigning queen even to this day.

You’ll discover information about her perspective about religion, her young life, her parents, her life before she became infamous, her Voodoo practices, and everything in between.

By the time you read the final page, you will know everything there is to know about her. You’ll have a full understanding of how to set up an altar. You’ll have in-depth knowledge about her charity work, ceremonies, rituals, and ultimately her funeral and legacy.